Retirement Savings Changes You Should Know About Before Year’s End
Over half of Americans need to catch up to their retirement savings goals. An additional 10 percent are uncertain about their retirement savings and planning status, according to a 2023 Bankrate survey. As the year draws to a close, it's crucial to stay informed about...
How to Get Smart About Credit
Credit plays a pivotal role in our financial lives. Whether you're looking to buy a house, start a business, or manage day-to-day expenses, understanding how credit works can make a difference. Get Smart About Credit Day is an annual event that aims to enhance consumers...
National Savings Day – A Boost for Your Financial Future
In today’s uncertain economy, saving money often takes a backseat to immediate financial needs and desires. Yet, setting aside money for the future is critical to financial well-being. National Savings Day serves as a timely reminder to reflect on our saving habits, celebrate our progress,...
Essential Retirement Savings Tips for Those Over 50
If you’re over 50 and considering retirement, it’s time to examine your savings strategy closely. Retirement may be just around the corner, but you can still boost your nest egg and ensure a comfortable future. Here are some essential retirement savings tips to help you...
Understanding Zillennials: Bridging the Financial Gap Between Millennials and Gen Z
Zillennials, a micro-generation born between the early 1990s and early 2000s, stands at the crossroads of Millennials and Generation Z. This unique cohort blends characteristics from both generations, leading to distinct financial behaviors and needs. Unlike their predecessors, Zillennials prioritize savings and actively seek guidance...
Parent Plus Loans for College Costs
As college costs continue to rise, many families look for ways to bridge the financial gap left by other forms of financial aid. One option to consider is Parent PLUS loans. Parent PLUS loans, offered through the Department of Education's William D. Ford Federal Direct Loan...
Financial Planning Month: Stay on Budget
Discover how setting a budget helps keep spending in check and strengthens your financial future. Managing your finances can sometimes feel overwhelming. Keeping everything in balance requires knowledge and discipline, from daily expenses to long-term investments. That's where Financial Planning Month comes in. Every October, we...
Lower Interest Rates Could Affect Your Financial Future
In September, The Federal Reserve (or "the Fed" for short) lowered interest rates. This change could affect your investments and retirement planning. Why is this significant? Think of interest rates as the cost of borrowing money. When rates are high, it costs more to borrow. When...