David Lerner Associates: Financial Considerations for Family Caregivers
Caring for your aging parents is not only an emotional burden it may also be a financial one. It will depend on how well off your parents are and how much caring for them costs....
David Lerner Associates: Family Care Support and Services
Caring for your aging parents will be easier if you know what kinds of support and community services are available and where to locate them....
David Lerner Associates: 2015 Social Security and Medicare Figures
The Social Security Administration has announced the new figures that beneficiaries will receive for 2015....
David Lerner Associates: Taking Care of Your Aging Parents (Part 3)
The last article in our 3 part series, focuses on the financial aspects of caring for aging parents....
David Lerner Associates: Taking Care of Your Aging Parents (Part 2)
This is Part 2 of a 3 part series on taking care of your aging parents. This time we will be focusing on different types of support available for your parents as well as yourself....
David Lerner Associates: Taking Care of Your Aging Parents (Part 1)
Your parents need you, and you need help. This is the first of our 3 part series on caring for your parents as they get older....
David Lerner Associates: Complaints about Hidden Medicare Costs
Some seniors have complaints that despite what they thought would be the case, Medicare does not cover all of their healthcare costs.....
David Lerner Associates: Financial Resolutions in Your 80s
New Year is financial resolutions that may be appropriate for individuals in their 80s....
David Lerner Associates: Financial Resolutions In Your 70s
Evey year we make New Year is resolutions. Here are three suggestions for New Year is financial resolutions for individuals in their 70s....
David Lerner Associates: Seven Things You Might Not Know About Medicare
You probably know that Medicare is the federal government is health insurance program for Americans who are 65 years of age and over....