David Lerner Associates: What to Do With Your Tax Refund
Forty eight million Americans have already received a tax refund from the federal government this year. As tax time approaches, millions more are thinking about what to do with this windfall when it arrives. The latest Bankrate Money Pulse survey shows that there have been...
David Lerner Associates: IRS Data Theft and the Need to Protect your Personal Information
The U.S. Treasury has released a revised and far scarier picture of the cyber-attack suffered by the IRS last year. Initially, it was thought that just over 100,000 people were affected by the incident, but now they are saying it was over 700,000. That raises...
David Lerner Associates: Tax Changes for 2016
Every year we are faced with new federal tax codes, and 2016 is no different. This year is changes could mean penalties if you do not have health insurance, or they could bring you welcomed savings if you happen to own a small business....
David Lerner Associates:Worker Classification and Taxes
As an employer, whether you are a small business or a Fortune 100 company, the status of a worker can prove to be a thorny question when it comes to taxes....
David Lerner Associates: Education Tax Credits
Summer is most often thought of as a time for fun and relaxation. If your child is one of the 21 million heading to college in the fall it is also likely to be a time for financial planning. There is one aspect...
David Lerner Associates: Analyzing Estate Planning and Income Tax Basis
Income tax basis may be essential when deciding whether to make gifts now or transfer real estate at your death. The income tax basis for the person receiving the property depends upon whether the transfer is by gift or at death....
David Lerner Associates News: Complaints at Tax Time
About this time of year is when complaints about paying taxes often grow the loudest. One reason why is because many people are starting to gather all of their tax paperwork in preparation for the April 15 tax filing deadline....
David Lerner Associates News: What Should You Do With Your Tax Refund?
Many people view their tax refund as free money. A tax refund is your money that you essentially loaned to the government by having more tax withheld from your paycheck than was necessary....
David Lerner Associates News: Seniors, Do You Have to File a 2013 Tax Return?
Depending on the amount of their gross income, their filing status and their age, some seniors might not have to file a federal income tax return this year....
David Lerner Associates: Beware the Tax Identity Theft Scam
As we enter the height of tax-filing season ther have been complaints about another kind of identity theft scam: tax identity theft. Here thieves try to steal your personal information in order to submit fraudulent tax refund claims with your information on them to the...