Unemployment and Credit Card Debt
For those who aren’t taking advantage of federal and state benefits, it would make sense that credit cards could be the only alternative. ...
The Debt Stress Factor
72 percent of Americans are somewhat stressed about money, and studies show that 22 percent experienced “extreme” stress over their finances. ...
How Debt Impacts Saving and Your Financial Future
A recent Bankrate study found that 29 percent of Americans have more credit card debt than they do emergency savings. And the problem is getting worse...
How to Eliminate Debt
Debt has become part and parcel of many American’s lives and has become the norm. How do you get rid of deb, and take back control of your finances? ...
Holiday Debt
Happy Holidays! Now put down that credit card — and back away slowly! The average debt incurred by Americans over the holidays has increased to over $1,000! ...
Is Debt Always a Bad Thing?
Most Americans have some sort of debt. Having debt doesn’t necessarily have to be a bad thing if it is controlled and you pay the monthly amount on time, every month...
Young Adults and Their Debt
The average young adult's student loan is $29,800. One aspect to consider is that college loans often place a burden of debt on the graduate, which will be carried long into the future...
The Debt Load for Young Adults
The youth of today, or rather the Millennial generation, are sitting on a massive mountain of debt. Not surprisingly, the financial world has taken notice....
Financial Mistakes to Avoid
Avoiding these common financial mistakes can help you achieve your goal of financial wellness and make the path to building wealth smoother....
Credit Cards, Debt, and the Economy
Credit cards are a way of life in America. We all know how they can help or hurt one’s personal finances but believe it or not, credit card debt can affect the economy as a whole. ...