Debt and the Post Covid Economy
Now that the world is slowly but surely reopening again, the nation’s largest banks are shifting their focus to increasing lending activity....
Plan to Eliminate Your Debt
Once the coronavirus pandemic hit, both outstanding credit card debt and credit limits from issuers dropped for the first time in many years....
Overcoming the American Savings Deficit
If you were hit with an unexpected cost of $500 to $1000, would you be able to take care of it without using credit cards or using only your savings?...
Key Debts to Pay Off
The total consumer debt in the U.S. is at $14.1 trillion, with Americans carrying an average personal debt of $90,460...
How to Deal with Debt When a Loved One Passes Away
A surviving spouse or children face more than just overwhelming emotions — they may also face the challenge of having to settle a loved one’s outstanding debts. ...
Unemployment and Credit Card Debt
For those who aren’t taking advantage of federal and state benefits, it would make sense that credit cards could be the only alternative. ...
The Debt Stress Factor
72 percent of Americans are somewhat stressed about money, and studies show that 22 percent experienced “extreme” stress over their finances. ...
How Debt Impacts Saving and Your Financial Future
A recent Bankrate study found that 29 percent of Americans have more credit card debt than they do emergency savings. And the problem is getting worse...
How to Eliminate Debt
Debt has become part and parcel of many American’s lives and has become the norm. How do you get rid of deb, and take back control of your finances? ...
Holiday Debt
Happy Holidays! Now put down that credit card — and back away slowly! The average debt incurred by Americans over the holidays has increased to over $1,000! ...