Why Women Need Life Insurance
For more than half of women polled the thought of running out of money in retirement is their biggest fear, other than losing a spouse...
Age and the Financial Gender Gap
While younger women are getting more financially literate, some of the older generation, especially Boomers, are not as confident with their finances as they should be. ...
What is Financial Literacy?
If you're not sure what financial literacy is, you're not alone. Many Americans are unable to define what it is...
Women in Small Business
Women-owned companies are growing much faster than every other segment of new business in our economy. ...
Money Shouldn’t Ruin Your Marriage
Many Americans find themselves in a position where they are getting divorced because of arguments about money....
Financial Literacy for Kids
What are we teaching our kids with regard to financial habits? Or rather, what examples are we setting for them by way of our own financial behaviors?...
Small Business Saturday
Small Business Saturday is a special day set aside as part of an American Express program to encourage people nationwide to support small local businesses. It is held annually on the Saturday after Thanksgiving....
Finance and the Gender Gap
Men may be from Mars and women from Venus, but that does not mean they should be unequal when it comes to pay or investments.Women are far from playing on an even field, and if anything, they have it far tougher....
Three Tips on Marriage and Money
When you get together with someone the first thing you think of is not that you will be dealing with bills and mortgage payments. Unfortunately, arguing about money seems to be the norm when it comes to relationships....
Marriage and Debt
Falling in love and getting married is supposed to be one of the best milestones in your life. While that may be the case, it seems that many young couples are starting out life with debt, and this is putting pressure on them in...