David Lerner Associates: Misconceptions and Realities about Social Security
There is no doubt about it, Social Security is an essential source of retirement income for most Americans. More than nine out of ten people age 65 and older obtain Social Security advantages....
David Lerner Associates: Are You Planning to Work During Retirement
As employees near retirement age, more and more plan to work at least some of the time during the course of their retirement years....
David Lerner Associates News: Elder Poverty Is Projected to Rise
The Social Security system "is facing serious financial problems, and action is needed soon to make sure the system will be sound when today is younger workers are ready for retirement."...
David Lerner Associates News: 2014 Social Security COLA Is.1.5 Percent
In October the SSA announced that the Social Security Cost-of-Living (COLA) in 2014 will be 1.5 percent, down slightly from the 1.7 percent increase in 2013....
David Lerner Associates: Four Credit Tips for Seniors
Some seniors mistakenly believe that since they are older and perhaps in retirement it is not as important to maintain a strong credit score as it was when they were younger and still working. But this could not be further from the truth....
David lerner Associates: How Framing Affects Social Security
Many people do not realize that when it comes to Social Security they have a choice of when to begin receiving their retirement benefits.You do not have to wait until you are 65....
David Lerner Associates: Many U.S. Seniors Facing Severe Income Shortages
A recent analysis of data from the U.S. Census Bureau indicates that seniors in every state except for two are living off of incomes that are lower than the level of retirement income that many financial planners often recommend....
David Lerner Associates: What You Should Know About Social Security Disability
When they hear the term "Social Security," many people think of the federal program that pays retirement benefits to most Americans who have worked during their lives....
David Lerner Associates: Will Social Security Support You In Retirement?
Since it was originally established in 1935 under the administration of Franklin D. Roosevelt, Social Security has undergone a number of revisions that reflect changes in the make-up of American society....
David Lerner Associates: What is the Future of Social Security?
The future of Social Security has received a lot of publicity lately, especially when the candidates for President of the United States debated each other about how they would propose solving the looming problem of potential Social Security insolvency....